Registered Brangus and Angus • Home of the "Ultrablack" • Hunting

Welcome to Cow Creek Ranch

Cow Creek Ranch, LLC, is recognized as the 19th largest seedstock cattle operation in the country.

Cow Creek Ranch
27 Years of Breeding Cow Creek Ranch genetics.

Thought for December 13, 2012:
"It takes endless amount of history to make
even a little tradition.
" - Henry James


Thanks for a historical sale weekend.

193 bulls
$786,950 gross
$4077 average

232 Commercial Bred Heifers
$460,125 gross
$1983 average

274 Registered Females
$2993 average

$2,080,975 Total Sale Gross

2011 Cow Creek Ranch Bull Sale Sustains Strong Demand
Thank you for great sale - 183 Bulls averaged $3120
183 Commercial Bred Heifers averaged $1439
Click here to read complete sale report.

2011 Southern Cattle Company Sale Attracts Strong Buyer Acceptance

Click here to read female sale report.
Clicker here to read bull sale report.

Cow Creek Ranch and Southern Cattle Company Announce Merger;
Two Brands, One Direction

This past year has proven to be particularly challenging for the Reznicek family. Losing Joe took an emotional toll on our family. His leadership and passion are missed here everyday. Joe's death left a vacuum that has been difficult to replenish. So, it comes with mixed emotions of both melancholy and excitement that we announce that Southern Cattle Company, Marianna, Florida, has merged with and acquired Cow Creek Ranch.

The Reznicek family is grateful to everyone for taking the journey with us during the past 25 years. Our journey is not yet complete and we ask you to come along on the passage into our future. - Joy Reznicek


Joe Reznicek Honored as Pioneer Breeder of the Year
Joe Reznicek was honored, posthumously, as the Pioneer Breeder of the Year by the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) during their annual convention. Cited as a visionary and industry leader, Joe founded Ultrablack cattle which are now a part of the IBBA registry.

Joe Reznicek Scholarship Memorial Fund Established
Joseph J. Reznicek passed away Friday, January 15, 2010, at his home on Cow Creek Ranch after a valiant battle with lymphoma.

The beef industry lost a great man. The Reznicek family lost a great husband, father, son, grandfather, brother and uncle. He will be missed more than he'll ever know.

Memorials may be made payable to Pershing - FBO Reznicek Memorial Fund. Memorials will be used to fund the Joseph J. Reznicek Scholarship for youth in the beef cattle industry. Mail to Cow Creek Ranch, 1170 Cow Creek Road, Aliceville, Alabama 35442.


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10/15/2011 - Cow Creek Bull Sale Sustains Strong Demand

8/29/2010 - Two Brands, One Direction; Cow Creek Ranch and Southern Cattle Company Announce Merger

8/17/2010 - Cow Creek Ranch to Hold Private Treaty Bull Sale and October 9th 400 head Commercial Bred Heifer Sale

1/15/2010 - Obituary - Joseph J. Reznicek

10/31/2009 - Cow Creek Ranch Sees Strong Demand for Bulls at 2009 Sale

6/15/2009 - Cow Creek Ranch Ranks Among Beef Industry's Top Seedstock Operations

Cow Creek Ranch Marks 10th Anniversary of Ultrablacks®

Cow Creek Sired Calves Top Markets in 2006 as well as 2005 and 2004. Buyers want Cow Creek sired calves.

Read about commercial cattleman Marty Wooldridge of Louisiana and how Cow Creek Ranch bulls have worked for him


a division of Southern Cattle Company, Marianna, Florida
1170 Cow Creek Road, Aliceville, Alabama 35442
205/373-2269 office • 205/399-0221 Joy Reznicek-mobile • 205/373-6686 fax

This site designed and maintained in-house by Cow Creek Ranch, LLC, Aliceville, Alabama.
Site updated December 13, 2012.
Copyright 1986-2012 • All rights reserved • Cow Creek Ranch, LLC