Registered Brangus and Angus • Home of the "Ultrablack" • Hunting

Cow Creek Ranch Calves Have Earning Power

Cow Creek Ranch, LLC, is recognized as the 21st largest seedstock cattle operation in the country.

Cow Creek Ranch Calves in Demand Across the Country.

What's the earning power of your calf crop?

2006 calf sale results have seen Cow Creek Ranch sired calves continue their sale topping trends of 2005 and 2004. Producers using bulls from disciplined genetic breeding programs like Cow Creek Ranch top the market year after year. Williamson Cattle Company topped the Superior Livestock Auction Video Sale with Cow Creek Ranch sired calves for the third consecutive year on April 7, 2006.

Louisiana producer Marty Wooldridge of Wooldridge Cattle Company marketed his calf crop in April 2006 and had a bidding war on his Cow Creek Ranch sired calves. "The Cow Creek Ranch bulls just get better every year. The same set of cows maintained on grass that was less desirable than last year, weaned calves 62 pounds heavier than last year and 100 pounds heavier than in 2004. The difference is in the Cow Creek Ranch bulls," says Marty. In addition, Marty's reputation replacement quality Cow Creek sired heifers are in high demand. With Cow Creek Ranch sired calves, Marty's raising marketing topping steers and heifers worth as much or more than his steer calves.

2005 Sale Results From Around the Country

Producers Cattle Video Auction - 324 Cow Creek Ranch sired steers sold through Producers Cattle Video Auction in April 2005 and topped the entire sale in their weight class. In fact, the second high selling steers in the same weight class were a set of Angus sired calves that brought $8.65/cwt less than the Cow Creek Ranch sired steers.

Mid-April 2005 Producers Cattle Video Auction - Cow Creek sired calves out-sold Angus and Charolais sired steers from the same ranch. Not only did the rancher generate more money with his Cow Creek sired steers, he was left with more valuable and efficient replacements heifers.

JUNE 2, 2005 - Ranch raised calves sold off the ranch. Cow Creek sired calves outsell reputation sired Charolais and Hereford sired calves by $4.75/cwt. All calves were out of crossbred Carolinas, Brangus and Hereford cows.

Superior Livestock Video Sale (4/05) - Cow Creek sired calves top weight class and outsell hundreds of calves marketed. The Cow Creek sired calves averaged $742/head selling for as much at $187/head more than the Angus, Charolais and other Brangus sired calves.


The Joseph J. Reznicek Family
1170 Cow Creek Road, Aliceville, Alabama 35442
205/373-2269 office • 205/367-7859 Joe-mobile • 205/373-6686 fax

This site designed and maintained in-house by Cow Creek Ranch, LLC, Aliceville, Alabama.
Copyright 1986-2009 • All rights reserved • Cow Creek Ranch, LLC