Linking Genetics, Customers & Profit
Cow Creek Ranch Service, Marketing and Cooperator Programs
Bull Cooperator Program (20 years)
Cow Creek Ranch began its joint venture bull producer program 20 years ago, in 1989, to provide a bull market for small seedstock producers who were using Cow Creek Ranch genetics. Today, the program has evolved into a sophisticated network of cloned Cow Creek Ranch genetic herds across the southeast that help provide the 500 plus bulls marketed annually by Cow Creek Ranch.Our cooperator bull program is not about numbers. It is about cattlemen who share the same commitment to quality and to developing long-term, sustainable breeding programs. We provide the genetics, guidance and marketing and we share the revenue. For more details, call 205/373-2269.
Customer Commercial Heifer Sale (15 years)
In 1995 Cow Creek Ranch offered an innovative marketing service to our commercial bull customers. At the time, this marketing service was provided by few, if any, seedstock suppliers. Cow Creek customers had the opportunity to sell their commercial heifers during our annual bull sale. Today, it is not uncommon to see this type sale across the country. Because of the longevity of our customer sale, our offering is always one step ahead of the rest. Not many, if any, offer bred heifers only sired by and bred to a single genetic program. Our high standards are what keeps our customers coming back.
Cow Creek Ranch Feedlot Partnerships.
In our continuing effort to assist our customers with marketing options, we are pleased to help you place your Cow Creek Ranch sired calves with a select group of reputable, Cow Creek customer friendly feedlots. These feedlots provide individual attention and appreciate the value of Cow Creek Ranch genetics. Call Joe for assistance.
Consultation. We're as close as your phone.
In our rapidly changing industry, we never lose site of the fundamentals of the cow business. Joe, a life-long cattleman, is happy to share his knowledge and opinions with fellow cattlemen and customers. We offer experienced advise on matings, breeding, nutrition, etc.